Art Bytes



Jamaican artist Nari Ward’s solo exhibition, We the People, is at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Denver, USA July 1st to September 1st. It includes 17 sculptures, paintings, videos and large-scale installations, filling the entire museum.

Much of Ward’s work are found objects. The title piece, “We the People,” displays the first three words of the U.S. Constitution in different coloured shoelaces on a wall. One of his landmark works, “Amazing Grace” (1993), consists of hundreds of abandoned baby strollers arranged in a womb shape, with a central walkway of flattened fire hoses.

MCA Director Nora Abrams describes the work as “visceral” and having “a sense of urgency”. She said, “For decades, Nari Ward’s work has highlighted some of the most searing aspects of American culture, including racism and power as well as national identity and immigration. Now more than ever, we believe it will resonate with our city in this moment of crisis.”


Art Bytes

British actor of Jamaican heritage Clint Dyer is set to direct an upcoming Bob Marley musical, Get Up, Stand Up! The Bob Marley Story.

Breakout Film Festival is currently accepting submissions for its July short film contest.

Deborah Anzinger has been chosen as a 2020 Soros Art Fellow.

Jamaican photographer Barry Harley is one of 120 winners of the 61st annual Communications Arts magazine photography competition.

Google recently created a doodle to honour Jamaican-born British activist Olive Morris's 68th birthday.

Jamaican Stuart Robertson is one of 16 artists who contributed to a 245’X17’ Black Lives Matter street mural in Palo Alto, California.
