Art Bytes



Jamaican artist Nari Ward’s solo exhibition, We the People, is at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Denver, USA July 1st to September 1st. It includes 17 sculptures, paintings, videos and large-scale installations, filling the entire museum.

Much of Ward’s work are found objects. The title piece, “We the People,” displays the first three words of the U.S. Constitution in different coloured shoelaces on a wall. One of his landmark works, “Amazing Grace” (1993), consists of hundreds of abandoned baby strollers arranged in a womb shape, with a central walkway of flattened fire hoses.

MCA Director Nora Abrams describes the work as “visceral” and having “a sense of urgency”. She said, “For decades, Nari Ward’s work has highlighted some of the most searing aspects of American culture, including racism and power as well as national identity and immigration. Now more than ever, we believe it will resonate with our city in this moment of crisis.”


Art Bytes

Jamaican artist Garfield Morgan has another exhibit in Canada. This time his work is on display at the Don Wheaton Family YMCA in Edmonton.  until October 31st.

The National Gallery of Jamaica’s 50th Anniversary exhibition, Continuity, runs from June 30 to September 30th, 2024. Continuity revisits ten NGJ’s iconic exhibitions, including the Biennials of 2014, 2017 and 2022 and Jamaica Jamaica, (2020).

The Glasgow School of Art Exhibition in Scotland will present the work of the late photographer Sandra George until June 30th. Born to Jamaican parents,  George spent the first seven years of her life here before migrating to Birmingham. Later she went to Edinburgh to live with her father.

A 97 year old Jamaican is featured in Migrant Stories, an exhibition at the Market Gallery in Toronto, Canada. Lloyd Lindo, who left Jamaica with other migrants to help rebuild England after World War II, later made his home in Canada. He now lives lives in Amaranth, Dufferin County, Ontario

Jamaican artist Garfield Morgan, who has done work for Panmedia, is one of the artist featured in When Big Man Talk, an exhibition that opens February 3 in Montreal at the Jamaica Association Arts

Before he died last year businessman Michael Campbell, founder of Island Car Rental, asked his close friend former Prime Minister P.J.
