Art Bytes



Renee Cox is one of nine black artists and cultural leaders the NY Times Style Magazine recently asked for their take on cultivating black audiences and dismantling historically white institutions.

Cox says she draws inspiration from never having been raised to feel like a victim or that she was lesser than anyone else. “They don’t fall into the stereotypes of black people that white people have created,” she said of her work, some of which has been exhibited in Jamaica.

“If you’re presenting black people as victims, that goes a longer way to the bank, but that doesn’t change the status quo of the power structure of racism (because racism is about power and economics). I have been more interested in upsetting that paradigm, in at least having the fantasy of having the power, if not the reality.”

Art Bytes

The National Gallery of Jamaica has put out a document on how to view its exhibitions that includes its weekly schedules, its tour formats, costs for children and adults, and a step by step proce

Tracy Thorne takes Jamaican Art to London with an exhibition called “Big tings a gwaan down di street.” The show runs April 5 to 18 at The Old Print Works, Upper Gallery, Balsall Heath.

Grovesnor Galleries has morphed into an everything spot.

The City of Atlanta has selected Jamaican sculptor Basil Watson   to create a double life-size statue of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Ebony G Patterson has a new exhibit at the Baltimore Museum of Art in a show titled “An Intervention…made for kids.” Her designs of 150 hand embellished toy guns are installed in the permanent gall

Ebony Patterson doesn’t romp. In January, Jamaica’s hottest artist received a United States Artists Fellowship Award in the visual arts.
