Art Bytes



Renee Cox is one of nine black artists and cultural leaders the NY Times Style Magazine recently asked for their take on cultivating black audiences and dismantling historically white institutions.

Cox says she draws inspiration from never having been raised to feel like a victim or that she was lesser than anyone else. “They don’t fall into the stereotypes of black people that white people have created,” she said of her work, some of which has been exhibited in Jamaica.

“If you’re presenting black people as victims, that goes a longer way to the bank, but that doesn’t change the status quo of the power structure of racism (because racism is about power and economics). I have been more interested in upsetting that paradigm, in at least having the fantasy of having the power, if not the reality.”

Art Bytes

Jamaican-born artist Renee Cox was recently appointed Assistant Professor of Visual Arts at Columbia University in New York.

Jamaican visual artist Maia Chung has been invited to send her work for consideration for the Galleria Banditto's 10-day residency prize to be awarded this year, according to an article in

A solo exhibition by Jamaican artist Renee Cox at Carthouse Proper in Brooklyn, New York will feature her critically acclaimed 1993 large-format photograph piece Yo Mama and its counterpar

Jamaican born artist Jasmine Thomas-Girvan has a show at the David Zwirner Gallery in London.

O’Neil Lawrence is the new Chief Curator of the National Gallery of Jamaica. Lawrence will oversee the Gallery’s exhibitions and be responsible for the development of Jamaica’s national art collect

This year, the National Gallery of Jamaica will present the Dawn Scott Award to a participating artist in its Summer Exhibition 2019, which runs from July 28 to October 27, 2019.
