Art Bytes



Renee Cox is one of nine black artists and cultural leaders the NY Times Style Magazine recently asked for their take on cultivating black audiences and dismantling historically white institutions.

Cox says she draws inspiration from never having been raised to feel like a victim or that she was lesser than anyone else. “They don’t fall into the stereotypes of black people that white people have created,” she said of her work, some of which has been exhibited in Jamaica.

“If you’re presenting black people as victims, that goes a longer way to the bank, but that doesn’t change the status quo of the power structure of racism (because racism is about power and economics). I have been more interested in upsetting that paradigm, in at least having the fantasy of having the power, if not the reality.”

Art Bytes

Simone Cambridge, a 2022 Curatorial and Art Writing Fellow at NLS, a Kingston art gallery, is now exhibiting Straw Heritage: “It Comes from the Head” at the National Art Gallery of the Bah

Jamaican artist Arthur Simms’ A Totem for the High Line is now installed at the 16th Street Spur Preserve in New York City’s Chelsea District.

The National Gallery of Jamaica has named Ashley James as guest curator for its 2024 Kingston Biennial which opens December 15th. Titled Green X Gold, the biennial will be the closing highlight of the 2024 Gallery’s 50th anniversary. The exhibition will cover works on the environment, nature, and land, inspired by the Jamaican flag’s ecological symbolism. 

The National Gallery of Jamaica will host a five-day Writivity workshop from August 12th to 16th  to help students sitting the Visual Arts CSEC exams with their reflective journals. The reflective journal is a part of the School-Based Assessment and the final grades of the CSEC exam.

Jamaican artist Garfield Morgan has another exhibit in Canada. This time his work is on display at the Don Wheaton Family YMCA in Edmonton.  until October 31st.

The National Gallery of Jamaica’s 50th Anniversary exhibition, Continuity, runs from June 30 to September 30th, 2024. Continuity revisits ten NGJ’s iconic exhibitions, including the Biennials of 2014, 2017 and 2022 and Jamaica Jamaica, (2020).
