Jamaican visual artist Maia Chung has been invited to send her work for consideration for the Galleria Banditto's 10-day residency prize to be awarded this year, according to an article in Loop. Artists from around the world are invited annually to stay at the Galleria Banditto in Tuscany, Italy, to develop their work and advance the evolution of art globally. With a career less than three years old, Chung has already had her piece ‘Rorschach Garden of the ID’ chosen for honours at Art Olympia 2019, a biennial event. There is also a feature on her in the art magazine, Bijutsu-Techno – September 2019 issue.
Simone Cambridge, a 2022 Curatorial and Art Writing Fellow at NLS, a Kingston art gallery, is now exhibiting Straw Heritage: “It Comes from the Head” at the National Art Gallery of the Bah