Art Bytes

Patois Colouring Book


Amashika Lorne has published a patois-themed colouring book for children titled: Chat Tu Mi and Colour. The book is written in the Cassidy-LePage Orthography, a system for writing Jamaican, according to Loop News. A TV presenter, Lorne says the book is a tribute to the Jamaican language that she believes should be recognized as a valid means of communication.

She thanked her parents for their inspiration – they wrote , A Fe Wi Sinting, a compilation of Jamaican proverbs and art. She also thanked  Professor Hubert Devonish of the University of the West Indies Department of Language, Linguistics and Philosophy for his assistance. Chat Tu Mi and Colour was illustrated by Wayne Powell.

Art Bytes

Students from the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts have partnered with The Ministry of National Security to paint peace murals in Swallowfield.


Jamaican photographer Steve James will show his work at “Let There Be Reggae” from December 5th to 8th at The Lab (400 NW 26 Street) in Wynwood, Miami.

Jamaican multidisciplinary artist Jamilah Sabur’s work will be shown at the second annual Faena Festival during Miami Art Week 2019.

Two murals have recently been created for the Rose Town and Standpipe communities by partnership between the US Embassy’s Public Affairs Section and the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Perfor

Jamaican born quilt artist, Donnette A. Cooper, Esq.
