Art Bytes

Blue Curry's Biennial Project


Nassau-born, London based artist Blue Curry has taken Paradise, his installation project for the Jamaica Biennial, into the heart of downtown Kingston. Curry is covering walls of three buildings with large posters of continuous seascapes.

Art Bytes

On Saturday October 21, 2023, the National Gallery of Jamaica will resume its annual Teachers’ Seminar series, from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. Registration is free of cost.

Artists who are or are interested in working with, in, and around theatre for young audiences this is for you!

It's time to send in your artwork!

This month, Artsy features multi-media art by Jamaican artists Judith Salmon and Nadine Anderson-Cheng.

Jamaican artist Joy Gregory's works from ‘Cinderella Tours Europe’ and ‘Doll’ will be shown at the 9th Daegu Photo Biennale, a unique biennial that focuses solely on photography.

The Institute of Jamaica's museum spaces will be opened on the last Sunday of August! Come and enjoy an additional day of tours on Sunday, August 27th at the following museums:
